B7 Bachelor Vision.IO


  • Christian Wolter
  • Yasmine Haidri
  • Jonas Mantay
  • Timo Boomgaarden


Alexander Kramer


The project began with a kick-off meeting in which the basic project idea was explained and requirements defined. We also immediately set weekly meeting times that fit into everyone’s schedule. In the weeks that followed, we collected ideas for implementation and entered them as issues in our issue tracker, set up the individual parts of the project and started implementing solutions. In the weekly meetings, we informed each other about the project status and discussed our next steps. As the project progressed, we got a better and better overview of exactly where we wanted to go and were therefore able to better define our goals and work towards them.

Concept & Story

While the concept of our project was clear from the start, we had to think more about the narrative. It was about building a good narrative to show the different interactions. We agreed that we wanted to do something about the environment, as this is also compatible with a city model. In the end, we came up with the idea of showing how the world would change if we continued to live the way we do or relied on alternative and sustainable energy sources, built houses more sustainably and also made industry more sustainable.


We initially split the development into three subprojects. We had to create a basis for the Arduino, the Raspberry had to be set up and the Unity project for the HoloLens also needed a basis. We then started to establish communication between the Arduino and the Raspberry Pi and between the Raspberry Pi and the HoloLens. Once the communication between the hardware was working, we were able to focus on improving it and also building the Unity model so that the data sent from the Arduino to the HoloLens also controlled interactions in the HoloLens.
City Model
City Model