B6 Bachelor Spiel mich und ich sage Dir wer Du bist!


  • Abdulrahman Kassem
  • Batul Iraki
  • Billy Julian Lesmana
  • Gino Georgiev
  • Janik Schönberg
  • Liz Kintzel
  • Nico Mania
  • Quynh Vi Trinh


Martin Steinicke

So, what's next?

Creating a whole game in such a short time span was no easy task. Basing that game on psychological research even less so. We are very excited to publish a fleshed out game, even if we had to cut some of the planned features short.

There are many ideas we could still expand on. But whether some of us might return to this game, or if we’ll all start new projects utilising the experience we gathered during this one, remains to be seen.

Group Foto

Additional Features

Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

Currently the game is only available in german. To make it further accessible though, we thought about implementing at least an English option. However, this would have forced us to separate the evaluation into another test group, since the exact wording of a question can influence the answer greatly. It also would have taken us quite some extra time to translate the complete script and implement it.
Thus we decided to not include a language option into this release, it’s still possible to add this feature later on.

Quests, Quests, Quests

Currently, there are 3 different quest types in the game: Collect Quests, Talk Quests, and Quest Quests (that’s when your quest goal is to complete a list of other quests).

But during the designing process, we had many more ideas. For example, we considered Time Quests, in which you maybe had to collect something or go somewhere, before a Timer was up.
We also briefly considered Combat Quests, but such a mechanic would require an entire combat system behind it. We realised quite early on, that we would not have enough time to spare for that, so we decided not to include it and instead focus on our other features. But in the future we might have the time for more elaborately designed quests like these.

A look in the Mirror

Another feature we originally had planned was a character creator. We had actually already started designing this feature, and even implemented a first Prototype. In the end however, we unfortunately had to discard it for the final version, due to a lack of time. Planned were different body types, hairstyles, accessories and color customization.

Character Accessories
ideas for hats and other Accessories
Character Creator Prototype
Prototype of Character Creator, with color customizable skin and a Bush as a Hat Placeholder

Where to next?

Besides the big Map, we also had a MiniMap planned. That way, it would have been easier to see where a new Quest is, without having to open a separate menu all the time. Unfortunately, this feature had been cut from the final version.

Minimap Prototype
Prototype of our MiniMap and BigMap

It’s a big, big world

Currently our Game world is rather small, so we can load all of it simultaneously without creating incredibly long loading times. But with bigger worlds this isn’t really an option.
Instead we’d have to only load the parts of the world, in which the player is currently in. That can be easily done by implementing a world grid, which only loads the local and all adjacent parts.
In the very beginning, we weren’t entirely sure yet how big our game was going to be. That’s why we already started creating a world grid prototype. So if we ever decide to expand our current island, this feature could easily be reimplemented.

World Grid Prototype
Prototype of our World Grid

All fun and games

We had the idea of including a few minigames all throughout our game. These could offer a bit more variety and make little tasks like fishing, refilling the firewood or solving the scientist’s riddles much more fun for the player.

Thank you for playing!

After sending our finished game to a bunch of test players, not only did we receive valuable data on how well our game can imitate a regular personality quiz, we also got a lot of feedback on the game itself. Be it possible changes to the UI Design, easily misunderstood Dialogs or more intuitive control changes, there are many small details which could still be improved.