B6 Bachelor Spiel mich und ich sage Dir wer Du bist!


  • Abdulrahman Kassem
  • Batul Iraki
  • Billy Julian Lesmana
  • Gino Georgiev
  • Janik Schönberg
  • Liz Kintzel
  • Nico Mania
  • Quynh Vi Trinh


Martin Steinicke
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Our Game

Our Goal

Filling out a long personality test can be quite uninteresting or even boring. The aim of our project was to create a video game, which can successfully replace a test like that, by evaluating the player’s choices and playing style

Our Team

Our Team consists of eight students, each with a variety of different strengths and interests. In order to use these in the most efficient way, we decided to split up into departments. That way all responsibilities were clearly divided and everybody could focus on what they are best at.

  • 💻 Tech: Gino, Janik, Liz, Nico
  • 📚 Research: Janik, Batul, Billy
  • 🚀 Design: Nico, Abdul, Batul, Billy, Gino
  • 🎨 Art: Abdul, Liz, Quynh
  • 🎵 Sound: Abdul, Batul, Quynh