B3 Bachelor Allmende


  • Anastasiia Reznichenko
  • Antonia Kaufmann
  • Jonas Osterkorn
  • Lukas Glasmacher
  • Nataliia Azarnykh
  • Salim Alkhodor
  • Sven Erdem
  • To Uyen Nguyen


David Müller

So, what's next?

Allmende has a huge potentional for the further grow. As the following step we see a development and writing a Rules of Conduct in order to moderate user-generated content. Moreover, Allmende is now accessible in a Webbrowser, the next step would be to make it available for mobile through the channels like Apple Store.

Additional Features

Like every development team working with a deadline we had to cut out some features that were planned at the beginning but had to be postponed. For the future we are motivated to add a chat function for users to exchange information in oneon- one chats as well as having larger topic based group chats. Another feature that we really want to add to the app in the future is to allow users to plan walks in the local area and share them through the app. It can be a topic based route to find a specific animal or just a beautiful walk in the nature. These walks can then be seated and discussed by everyone in the community. Lastly we thought that the app would really benefit from a thread-feature like reddit for users to ask questions and general larger discussion.