B1 Bachelor Vibro2022


  • Stephan Stoll
  • Carolin Hintze
  • Fatima Rindert
  • Eve Schütze
  • My Tra Nguyen
  • Paul Klingberg
  • Lukas Lüdecke


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai-Uwe Barthel,Nico Hezel, Konstantin Schall

Tech Stack Com & Design


Discord is a voice and text communication program. We used Discord throughout our project mainly for communication. We held our weekly meetings there and also discussed problems or ideas in the chat.


Notion is a project management program that we used to keep track of our to-do’s,deadlines,tests and more.

Adobe Illustrator

Illustrator was mainly used to illustrate our graphics, design ideas and statistics.


Miro was our go-to online whiteboard tool to share and discuss ideas and design our concepts.

tech stack part 1
communication & design tech stack

Tech Stack Dev

GitHub Desktop

GitHub Desktop allowed us to easily work together on the same codebase.


With SceneBuilder we worked to change the UI of our program and adjust it to our ideas.


As an IDE we used Eclipse to code and run the program.

tech stack part 2
development tech stack