M4 Master Gefahr erkannt, Gefahr gebannt


  • Adrian Sabrowski
  • Marvin Kullick
  • Konrad Ukens
  • Julian Bechthold


Tamara Voigt, Martin Steinicke
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Showtime Schedule

Simons says… chop your finger off!

If that is a phrase you always wanted to say but foremost would like to learn about how to avoid injuries…

…come to our booth and join us for backseat gaming sessions at: 12:30 || 13:30 || 14:30

Additionally we will be showcasing our prototype on demand.

Our Presentation

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Can you complete the work assignment while keeping all your fingers?

‘Gefahr erkannt, Gefahr gebannt’ is a VR learning application for teaching occupational safety measures, which targets trainees in metal workshops. In our simulation users can process basic materials with various tools modeled after real life examples and must be careful not to hurt themselves. In order to avoid serious injuries they must choose the required safety equipment as well as operate the machines properly.

Our Goal

With our application we want to offer trainees in metal workshops an additional and engaging safety training in virtual reality. This training illustrates dangerous situations by showing injuries that can occur when working with the machines as real as possible.

Achieving our goal means to make our users more perceptive towards hazard cues and possible risks while practicing their crafts(wo)manship.

Our Team

Our team consists of four people with diverse skillsets. This enabled us to split into two subteams: development and modeling. Among other tasks Marvin and Konrad mainly focused on bringing the machines from the workshop into the virtual world while Julian and Adrian set them up with interactability.