M2 Master Athletimize


  • Maximilian Gertz
  • Markus Glutting
  • Florian Reitz
  • David Schach
  • Anton Streit
  • Lena Vollmer


David Koschnick
Tech Stack
Tech Stack

React & Typescript

For our Frontend we decided to use ReactJS with TypeScript. This gave us the advantage of having a well-documented library with a plethora of available resources. React is relatively easy to learn and it allowed us to have a modular structure where we could build various reusable components. To improve and ensure code-quality, we set up very strict linting and formatting rules. We used Bulma for essential styling.

NestJs & Typescript

We used NestJS, a TypeScript framework for Node.js backend apps. This gave us a good modular structure and resulted in a clean architecture with a good testing setup. The Postgres database is accessed via TypeORM.

Hosting & Pipelines

The platform we used to run our CI-Pipeline was a Gitlab-Runner. It was set up through Docker. We used it as we were already using a Gitlab repository. To deploy our Website, we used a CD-Pipeline to stop the Backend Server, update it and restart it. The pipeline also built the frontend and made it accessible through an NGINX-instance.