B4 Bachelor Recruiter & Employee Match


  • Ella Katajisto
  • Florian Holzmann
  • Joshua Meiser
  • Kim Ngan Le Dang
  • Mai Ly Nguyen
  • Mayya Bareeva
  • Stefania Imbuzan


Sowmya Guru
tech stack visualized


With Elasticsearch we can retrieve data with customized parameters and it will show us the best results based on our query.


EJS is a JavaScript template, which essentially allows us to implement JavaScript into HTML files. Thanks to that we were able to display dynamic content on the pages.


MongoDB is easy to implement with JS, which made it very attractive to us. Its objects can easily be translated to JSON files as well.


We used it because it’s a good platform for fast and easy deployment of web apps.

Node.js & Express.js

NPM makes it easy to implement external packages to our project. Node.js was our choice for the backend because it allows us to use JS both for the front and the backend. For convenience and handling server requests we used the framework Express.js.

Python & Beautiful Soup

In order to gather the necessary data for testing our algorithm, we built a small web scraper for job ads from Stack Overflow and Indeed.

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions helped us to automate our software workflow. It builds and deploys our code right from our GitHub repository.


We used Trello for sprint planning, Zoom and Google meet for the meetings, GitHub to collaborate on code and the Miro board for brainstorming and the visualization of ideas.