So, what's next?
Groups for common allergies
There are a couple of common allergies like peanuts and shellfish out there. Our idea is to have groups for these allergies. Once a user selects one of the products, we mark all the related allergies to that product. It should make the initial setup of our app a little easier.
Advanced camera
While our camera does what it is supposed to do, it is still pretty bare bones. Post-processing for our images is the keyword here. Little things like adjusting the brightness, so the text recognition has an easier time recognising the text. We also want to give the user options like turning on the flashlight etc.
Barcode scanning
There are a couple of apps out there that can scan the barcode of cosmetic products. While scanning the text is generally a better idea because not all products have barcodes on them, scanning the barcode still has a couple of perks, so providing both options is something we will look into as an upcoming feature.
Expandable database by users
One of our ideas would be to give the users the chance to improve our app by adding useful information to the substances itself. They could either add additional information to the content that is already there or just have some notes to the substances, like their prior experiences, connections to other substances, etc.