B1 Bachelor KISS


  • Jonathan Jander
  • Henry Ordelt
  • Anton Schöps
  • Kenneth Englisch
  • Kieu Oanh Thi Tran
  • Niklas Lengert


Prof. Dr. Tobias Lenz
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KISS is intended for people who want to be more conscious about their cosmetic products. KISS keeps track of your allergies and warns you whenever you scan a product with an allergic ingredient in it. KISS runs on both IOS and Android and doesn’t require an internet connection after the initial download.


Our Goals

For most people, the chemical ingredients on the back of cosmetic products are meaningless. Very few people understand what a “Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil” is. This is where our app comes into place. We wanted to help people understand what it means and what it does. The work that the user has to put in to get the information needed, should be as little as possible. It also shouldn’t be dependent on factors like a good internet connection or products with barcodes.

The Team

  • Communication is key. Everyone was working towards the same goal and we all agreed on the importance of communication in that process.
  • Everyone of us found something that they were passionate about, which made our development process both fun and motivating.
  • Henry, Jonathan and Anton were at first responsible for the backend while Kieu, Kenneth and Niklas were implementing the text recognition and UI, but we switched around later on.