M1 Master Aquasolace Gaming for Future II: Turning the simulation into a game


  • Eliot Hoff
  • Kenneth Englisch
  • Martin Christian Solihin
  • Adib Ghassani Waluya
  • Sebastian Puetz


David Müller


  • Supervised tile based gridmap interactions

Map interactions are controlled and supervised in order to restrict specific player interactions, removing some of the previous sandbox-aspect of the game.

  • Ground water level sensitive game winning conditions

Player actions directly influence groundwater levels. These influence changes are computed by respecting a data-table though and built to try and mimic somereal-life behavior in the environment.

  • Reviving species

Such objectives are displayed in the form of quests and can be achieved in the game by modifying the biomes configuration on the map and applying the right configurations and some other hidden conditions.

  • Suitable habitat identification

Identifying complex habitats that can be considered suitable for a specie appeared quite challenging and asked many experiments. Our actual solution uses a flood-fill algorithm and allow a fluid a peridodic update of the potential suitable habitats for the species.

  • Localization

The game is supported in English & German language version to provide better accessiblity.