B2 Bachelor MakeSign Digital Signage for the IDiA Makerspace


  • Rudolfs Spridis
  • Nemo Ziener
  • Hyun Bin Jeoung
  • Airon Jasinski
  • Niklas Aporius


  • Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen
  • Martin Holzhauer
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A digital signage solution to promote events, projects, and schedules, simply and conveniently


In collaboration with IDiA, we developed a project that aims to create a digital signage solution for the Makerspace. MakeSign will be used to display adverts and reservations for tools.

Key features include a well-structured dashboard for displaying time slots of 3D printers, laser cutters and CNC machines, as well as a system for uploading images to be displayed on monitors using micro computers.