M6 Master VamX-Virtual Audio Manipulation Experience


  • Emircan Yüksel
  • Juri Wiechmann
  • Robin Jaspers
  • Ruslan Novikov
  • Tim Markmann


Alexander Kramer, Martin Steinicke

Tech Stack

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  • Within the Unity game engine, we developed the sound framework and built the VR test environment. It provided us with many build-in features for programming with sounds and was well suited for development with VR.
  • The XR Interaction Toolkit offered us all the basic functions for interaction in VR. With the help of input events and haptic feedback, we were able to make the minigames more interesting and created a good gaming experience.
  • FMod has provided us with many more sound manipulation options in addition to the Unity build-in sound system. Within FMod it is possible to edit individual sounds differently and integrate them into Unity.
  • Unity Editor Scripting Editor scripting in Unity allows you to create your own editing windows within Unity. It provides many additional UI elements that made editing sounds easier and more organized.
  • The Oculus software enables wireless as well as wired linking of the Oculus Quest with Unity. This connection is essential for real-time manipulation of the sound.
  • For version management of our project in Git, we used GitHub. It allowed us to work in parallel and secured our program code.
  • We used Notion as our project management tool. With Notion we were able to manage tasks, record the project status and document our development process.
  • We used Discord for internal communication and to record important links and informations.


VamX’s basic idea was to be an interface for an AI that would automatically change the sound according to predefined criteria to achieve a requested result. The manual control would therefore replaced by the AI. This goal we considered in the development of VamX.
