M3 Master What happened here


  • Paula Osterkamp
  • Luis Hankel
  • Emily Gilbert
  • Mahja Sarschar


Alexander Kramer
Source Code Link Icon Source_Code

Our Applications


You can download the Android app by scanning this qr code.

qr code android app
QR Code Android app

[//]: # (The iOS app is currently not published but you can access the app through this link. This is only the backup solution and not optimized for web.)


Our WH2 Editor can be found here. We kindly ask you to use the test user account with email “test@test.com” and password “test1234”.

Our Goal

Oftentimes, people walk past places with distinctive histories without even realizing. With our project we want to provide users with access to information about important cultural, historical and social events and connect this information to places around them. The location based notifications are designed to make it as simple as possible for the users to engage with these topics in their day-to-day lives. They can also share newly found information with other people and personalize their area and topics of interest.

The editor is designed for institutions that want to share information and draw attention to different topics. They can manage their places and assets while categorizing them, so that users can easily find them.

The app currently only offers data about places in Berlin, but this is not a limitation. Users are able to select between English and German, which opens up the possibility to add other languages in the future.

The Team

The WH2 team consists of four students with experience in web and app development, even though this tech stack was new to everybody. One team member was mainly responsible for the backend, one for the app and two for the editor. But in general, everyone helped in all areas.

The Partners

Since our goal is to fill our app with interesting subjects from different institution, we reached out to potential cooperation partners parallel to the development of our apps. Thank you at this point for your help, support and informative POI!

  • “werk stadt – für alle”, a project self-managed by students at the TU Berlin. They cover three topics “Queer Berlin”, “BIPoC Berlin” and “FLINTA”.
  • “RECLAIM TEMPELHOF!”, agency for performative formats with an urban and socio-political focus in and about public space.