M2 Master Something Unreal


  • Dominic Engel
  • Till Falkenberg
  • Joerdis Liermann
  • Tony Dat Nguyen Tien
  • Ralf Strecker


Prof. Dr.-Ing. David Strippgen

Main Menu

Main Menu

We have built a simple main menu into our game. Here, the player has an overview of the controls and can start the game. The main menu offers good expansion possibility to add more levels later on.


The objectives of the game can also be seen in the main menu.

The Level

Player travels through an artery
Virus turns green when reachable to get hit

In the level design, we focused on making the artery look as realistic as possible. In addition to the viruses, red and white blood cells constantly fly past the player. The artery also varies in shape and gives the player the opportunity to look into branches as they passing by. Another small highlight is that the artery pulsates to match the music and thus simulates the heartbeat.

Abstract hologram user interface

In addition to the realistic artery, we have given our level an abstract hologram user interface, which gives the level a special atmosphere. Since we decided to develop a stationary VR game, the player in our level stands on a small platform. Thus Something Unreal is a kind of railshooter game.

High score

High Score

Every good game needs a high score. The player gets points for each virus hit. The more viruses the player hits in succession without making a mistake, the more points they receive for each virus hit. Play with friends and find out who is the best!

Contributing to the music

In Something Unreal, the gameplay is strongly tied to the music. With every hit of a virus you also play a note. If you miss a virus or hit it with an open hand instead of a fist you get an error sound. So the better you play, the better the music sounds.

As a small additional highlight, we have included a spectogram in our level, which makes the soundtrack visually experienceable for the player.

We have created our own original soundtrack for Something Unreal. It is designed to build up over the course of the level and becomes more complex as the level becomes more challenging.

Smashing viruses

Smashing coronavirus

The player is able to form different gestures with their virtual hands. For example, the player has to make a fist to hit the coronaviruses. Other items must be caught with an open hand. If the player chooses an incorrect hand gesture, this has negative effects.

Evading fatty tissues

Fatty Tissue

To increase the difficulty of our game even more, the player must concentrate not only on smashing the viruses but also on avoiding the fatty tissues coming towards them.

hit by Fatty Tissues effects player's vision

If the player gets hit by a fatty tissue, their vision will be blurred for a short amount of time.

Taking pills

taking a pill effects player's vision

In addition to the coronaviruses and the fatty tissues, the player also encounters various pills inside the artery. These are a kind of power-up and must be caught with an open hand for them to unfold their effects. Differently coloured pills have different effects, so grab them and find out!