B5 Bachelor Berlin for Future


  • Julius Schultz
  • Mohamed Amine Sallami
  • Oksana Shcherban
  • Pablo Benjamin Naujoks Roldan
  • Yana Stasevich


Prof. Dr. Regina Frieß, Tamara Voigt


Our project this semester “Berlin for Future” has been made together with the Senate of Berlin. The Senate has been looking for fresh and interesting ideas for making students more aware about climate change.

At our first meeting with the representative from the Senate we asked her about different aspects of the project (expectations, wishes, topic of interest). We found out about an idea of Klimasparbuch(climate savings book) for Berlin, a sustainable guide for the city, which has already been created for some regions in Germany. However, this idea was dismissed on the basis of it causing consumption instead of changing consumption behaviour, and we were tasked to create 2 elaborate concepts of applications, which should be particularly contemporary, addressing students and encouraging them to consume less than previous climate savings books.


Since we had to create 2 concepts from scratch, we had to prepare a solid research base, to start from.

  • At first, we looked into the current climate situation in Berlin, including political goals, main stakeholders, obstacles that prevent the situation from getting better.
  • Our next step was to look at particular factors and climate movements, active in Berlin.
  • We also haven’t forgotten about reading of studies describing means of motivation for students.

All of this information was structurally compiled in Google Drive Folder.

Goal setting

With the help of an additional meeting with the lecturer Michael Schmidt, we developed our product vision in order to define a clear objective.

Our goal setting was defined in a form of a Product Vision Board, which we perfected after the first meeting with the Senate:

Target Group:

  • Students in Berlin who seek to get involved in the climate conversation, but do not know how


  • to increase awareness of the current climate situation in Berlin
  • to provide information about the climate situation to students
  • to provide students with ideas on how to get involved in the climate movement


  • Berliners aren’t aware what influences the climate the most
  • to live climate neutrally is difficult, people need more information to achieve this
  • many people aren’t aware of climate change


  • provide people with information
  • connect people to causes where they can get involved

App analysis

By analyzing apps on the market, we were able to work out

  • what already exists on the market and in which form
  • which pros and cons they have
  • in what form they make difference in the current climate situation

Implementation ideas

The following ideas arose in our group:

  • Community Finders, for networking those interested in the climate
  • a climate quiz to provide information
  • a climate visualization, to make people aware of the climate situation via visualization
  • a climate task rewarder to reward climate-friendly everyday measures


So that the product is designed as target-group-specific as possible, we created a survey in which 68 students took part.

This enabled us to collect important information about user motives, restrictions, interests, media use and previous experiences.

In addition, students have agreed to participate in focus group interviews with us via the survey.

Survey Results
Extract of the survey results

User stories

In order to set up our core functions and an MVP, we have come up with user stories for the Community Finder and the Climate Quiz concepts.

MVP / mockup

All requirements for the respective app were recorded here and highlighted in color according to their priority.

Our Miro Board
Use Cases with MVP defined


In order to show as best as possible what the Community Finder and the Climate Quiz could look like, we made wireframes with Miro and then with Figma.


Surveys of individual users have provided useful information with regard to design. The students also brought their own ideas for existing and other functionalities.

Presentation to the Berlin Senate

The work in progress status of our concepts was presented to the Berlin Senate on June 21.


We decided to implement the climate quiz as a demonstration model with click-through functionalities and to program the Community Finder, implementing its MVP functionalities.