B5 Bachelor Berlin for Future


  • Julius Schultz
  • Mohamed Amine Sallami
  • Oksana Shcherban
  • Pablo Benjamin Naujoks Roldan
  • Yana Stasevich


Prof. Dr. Regina Frieß, Tamara Voigt
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Our Goals

We at Berlin for Future (BFF) would like to encourage students and young people like us to pay more attention to how their lives affect the climate situation in the world. We want to give them the opportunity to find out more about the situation by providing advice and information for decreasing their own carbon footprint and give them the tools to participate in the Berlin climate protection scene.

Our Mission

We set out to create two separate concepts to support our goals in two different ways. After weeks of research, benchmarking, brainstorming, conducting surveys and holding focus group interviews, we have narrowed our goals down to two main fields: providing information and supporting networking.

The Team

What is most important to know about our team is that we are passionate about our project goals.

We are an international group of people who came together in the shared motivation to exchange ideas, create fun things using the tools we’ve learned thus far at our university and most importantly, support the climate protection of our planet.