B3 Bachelor Graphlands


  • Felix Deumlich
  • Marie-Christin Grundmann
  • Markus Merker
  • Mukhammadzhon Safarov
  • Nadzeya Kandakova
  • Ba Tung Linh Pham
  • Laura Laetitia Unverzagt


Prof. Dr. Klaus Jung
tech stack visualized
Our tech stack

Phaser 3 & JavaScript

Early on, we knew we needed a framework. With JavaScript as a familiar language to most, we decided to focus our search and found Phaser, an open-source HTML5 game framework. None of us knew this framework, but we were able to learn as we went. For some time, we were not sure if the need for the framework was there, but in the long run, it certainly was a good decision to stick with it.

Node.js & Express.js

Node Package Manager helped us to implement external packages (e.g. Phaser) for our project. We also used Express.js for creating a simple server for our Node.js application, which we needed in order to deploy our application to Heroku.


We chose Heroku to deploy and manage our application because it offers developers a simple and elegant path to getting their apps to the market. Heroku is very flexible, easy to use, and most importantly, it gives a scalable platform to deploy products over the cloud without taking care of infrastructure.


Webpack is a tool that lets developers compile JavaScript modules. Given a large number of files and assets, it generates a single file (bundle) that run the application.

Development Tools

  • GitHub/git

GitHub was already a well-known platform for all of us, since it was put close to our hearts in our earlier studies. As we needed a code-sharing and version-control system, we chose it without second thought. In our processes, new features were added in new branches, reviewed by at least another member of the group and merged with the master. This way, the whole group was in control of the latest functioning version of the game.

  • Miro

In our Project Management classes we used Miro Board for exercises, homework and information.

  • Confluence and Jira

For further organisation in our SCRUM workflow, Jira was a welcome software. With its Roadmap, Backlog and Board functions, the planning of our project was rather simple. Confluence was a great addition to this planning process since it gave the opportunity for shared documents, files and general note keeping.

  • Discord/Zoom

Since meetups in person were still out of question due to Covid-19, we were in need of communication platforms. Zoom was already prepared by our supervisor and was used for meetings with Professor Dr. Jung as well as our project management supervisor, Mrs. Metzner. For our personal group meetings as well as all other communications, we preferred Discord as a familiar platform and main communication device between most students of the HTW. Multiple voice and text channels gave us the opportunity to organise topics and save important decisions.