B3 Bachelor Graphlands


  • Felix Deumlich
  • Marie-Christin Grundmann
  • Markus Merker
  • Mukhammadzhon Safarov
  • Nadzeya Kandakova
  • Ba Tung Linh Pham
  • Laura Laetitia Unverzagt


Prof. Dr. Klaus Jung

So, what's next?

We still have many plans! Our game currently allows the player to start with any level and any difficulty he likes. We want to encourage a total play through and will implement unlockable levels in the future. Who knows, maybe you’ll be able to unlock some easter eggs too?

More Features

Additionally, we are already able to reset singular levels, but what if you want to show it to a friend? As you don’t want to show him a half-played game, a reset function for the whole game process is on our to-do list for the future.

  • More Levels

Three difficulties aren’t enough for us. We want to create more complicated levels that challenge you more than ever. But if you are not ready for the hardcore mode yet, we will make more easy, normal and hard levels additionally to the old ones. Additionally, we intend to add a feature to generate levels automatically.

  • More Fun

We, as the developers, only have one perspective on the game. Players are encouraged to give us their feedback. Because only the players truly know what is fun and not, what features they want or what has to get improved.

  • More Compatibility with smartphones

In order to further our accessibility, we will implement smartphone support for all systems.