Our Goals
Based on the “Dollar Game”, we created Graphlands, an enveloping, approachable riddle game for young and old. In over 30 levels, you will populate islands, try to spread your population as equally as possible and crack your high score while subconsciously training your brain and learning about graph theory. To ensure its accessibility, our game is playable on your computer or tablet in your personal browser of choice. And with an endearing yet simple design, even kids get a chance to play.
The Team
Since distance learning became part of our everyday life, we understood how important communication was. At least twice a week, we were able to meet online to compare work and resolve issues. Decisions were made as a group and elevated our team working process.
Most people had preferred areas of work and experience, yet we learned from each other and tested our limits. With our different backgrounds, we contributed our best to this project and created an immersing experience together.