B1 Bachelor Strollr


  • Antje Stockhaus
  • Elena Tabakova
  • Hermes Rapce
  • Max Simon Schneider
  • Jonas Endert
  • Michelle Pötsch
  • Paul Legner
  • Kevin Springborn


Prof. Dr. Tobias Lenz

So, what's next?

We already provided the aforementioned gardening project with access to our application for possible test runs in the near future. If it runs stable and proves to be useful, there is potential for a more regular usage, maybe even in other institutions. However, Strollr would have to be deployed through official channels for a widespread release. This poses a financial issue, at least in the case of Apple’s App Store.

Additional Features

Social Media Hub

At the moment, Strollr is only available in German, thus a multi-language feature should be implemented as a next step. The option for a dark mode is usually a much requested feature as well. In the future, the app could be extended by the ability to share your favorite strolls with your friends and family and maybe even the whole world. That could be realized by providing a proprietary platform or including plug-ins for social media platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram or Facebook.

This platform could include a shared map where pins indicate the starting point of shared strolls. On click, you could be forwarded to the overview of the stroll, where the tracked walk and information about the stroll are displayed. Maybe you just want to go through the pictures the other user made throughout their stroll (of course you can like and comment) or even solve some riddles yourself.

Since Strollr’s original idea is to capture the stroll via pictures and learn something new about the environment, the option to help others find out what plant, tree or animal they managed to find along the way is vital. Therefore, the sharing user could send out a request in a provided category and other users could share their guesses.

So get inspired and start your own stroll.